Freezer Buying Guide:
A freezer is one item that anyone who is serious about feeding her family good, clean, locally grown food can’t be without. However, most have not had sufficient experience in buying freezers to know how to make a good choice.
Click here for tips on how to get the best deal and the best type freezer.
Treating animals humanely is more than just giving them a cute name like Bessie:
Click here to learn more.
Unsubstantiated Assumption: A warning about how your assumptions can lead to bad food choices. Click here for full article.
Myths and Truths About Cholesterol.
Click here for more information.
- The Holy Bible by God (a must have)
- Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (a must have)
- The Omnivore’s Dilemma (by Michael Pollan)
- Food Rules (nice, short rules for eating-by Michael Pollan)
- In Defense of Food (by Michael Pollan)
- Folks,This ain't Normal by Joel Salatin
Must see videos:
- Genetic Roulette. The Gamble of Our Lives
These videos are available through Netflix and Amazon
If you can't rent, they are well worth the purchase price.